March 1, 2013 My very first visit with Dr. Johnson left me feeling hopeful. A feeling I’ve not had since we’ve first started on this journey. My now 8 year old son has had food allergy issues since the age of 3. It came on suddenly and unexpectedly. First came the blood tests, then the […]
Three Potentially Deadly and Common Mistakes Type 2 Diabetics Make On A Daily Basis
Right now I’m going to share with you a few of the unknown secrets to success with Type 2 Diabetes. These next 4 secrets are why a lot of doctors don’t like me. They’d like to gag me and keep me from telling you these secrets because it makes them look incompetent and inadequate. It’s […]
What Is Your Thyroid & Why Does It Matter?
The thyroid is a small butterfly shaped gland located in your neck. Though it weighs only about an ounce, the thyroid gland has some very important functions to carry out that have a major impact on one’s health. The thyroid maintains body temperature, controls the rate of energy production (including oxygen use and basal metabolic rate), […]
Testing for Thyroid Disfunction
Many parts of the body become involved when thyroid function is interfered with including bone metabolism, the immune system, the nervous system, the endocrine system, gastrointestinal function, liver and gallbladder, growth and sex hormones, fat burning, insulin and glucose metabolism, healthy cholesterol levels, and proper stomach acid. Sometimes the thyroid gland will not produce enough […]
6 Major Thyroid Patterns
There are six major thyroid patterns that can be tested for with thyroid blood tests. When I say thyroid blood tests, I don’t just mean testing TSH and T4. In order to really evaluate these six major patterns, a FULL THRYOID BLOOD PANEL needs to be ordered. To further complicate things, there are twenty-four known […]