Neurofeedback has been proven to change the brain. Specifically, it changes the timing in the brain.
We believe this could be the most important new tool available for mental and neurological health.
It has been well documented that people who suffer neurological problems have abnormal brain waves in certain areas of the brain. For instance, case studies using QEEG “brain maps” have shown that people with Attention-Deficit-Disorder (ADD) have elevated delta brainwaves, while those who suffer from depression have elevated alpha brainwaves. Those with anxiety will have elevated Beta brainwaves, while those suffering from memory loss usually have decreased theta brainwaves.
Training the brain using neurofeedback can change these brainwaves over time, adjusting them into normal, healthy ranges. It can improve alertness, attention, emotional regulation, behavior, cognitive function, and mental flexibility.
When the brain moves back into normal ranges, users will often see a reduction in symptoms. The best part of neurofeedback is that results are often permanent, allowing a person to reduce or even eliminate medications altogether. Where medications only manage the symptoms, the goal of neurofeedback is to address the underlying cause and restore normal brainwave functions.
Unlike medication, neurofeedback trains the brain, resulting in significant improvement in ADHD/ADD symptoms. Using neurofeedback, people can increase self-control and attention. According to health professionals who use neurofeedback in their practices, many clients with ADD/ADHD learn to increase focus, reduce impulsivity, and manage their behavior when they train with neurofeedback on a consistent basis.
To study additional ADD/ADHD and how neurofeedback can help, please visit our Clear Mind Institute of Southern Michigan website to learn more.