March 1, 2013
My very first visit with Dr. Johnson left me feeling hopeful. A feeling I’ve not had since we’ve first started on this journey.
My now 8 year old son has had food allergy issues since the age of 3. It came on suddenly and unexpectedly.
First came the blood tests, then the skin tests, and of course, the consultation on which foods he could have and which to stay away from. The list of foods to avoid seemed to get longer with each annual visit, so I would seek out different doctors in the hope of finding one that would do something different.
It seemed that I could no longer get my son to even try things that I thought would be safe for him to eat. Each time an allergist would sit down with him to tell him what he shouldn’t eat and what could potentially happen to him if he did, I could see that he was developing a fear of foods.
His diet now consisted of about 5 different foods that were high in sugar and low in nutrition. He would crave these foods and be unwilling to try anything else. As a family, it was hard to travel – worrying about how I would feed him being away from home. It left us limited to the places we could go.
His concentration was also effected by the foods he was eating. He is a very smart boy, however, struggled to focus at school and appeared to be in a fog most of the time. In my heart I felt it was his poor diet and lack of nutrition that was holding him back. I could look in his eyes and see that he didn’t feel good. As a mother, it is my job to fix my child. I knew I had to change his diet.
I remember each doctor that I would see would leave me with this… “The only real test to see what he can eat will be to have him eat something, have the Epi pen ready, and dial 911 if something should happen.” The fear of doing that was overwhelming and I was never able to go down that road.
Finally, I made my appointment with Dr. Johnson. A family friend had referred him. I was told that through NAET, he can get rid of food allergies. I had to try.
With nothing to lose, I had gone into the office, first, with a brief history and asked on of the girls if she thought Dr. Johnson could help us. Without hesitation, I was told “yes”.
I couldn’t wait for our first appointment. My son was very nervous, expecting a routine allergy appointment and it was anything but that. The testing was completely pain free. I left there with solid answers and a plan to get my son’s health back on track. Dr. Johnson was going to help us!
For the first time in five years, we had a doctor that will tell him all the things he can have. Dr. Johnson is very optimistic and has come up with a plan that addresses my son’s specific needs. My son looks forward to each office visit we go to.
Since we have started the NAET I’ve changed my son’s diet, per Dr. Johnson’s request and it’s made a noticeable difference. He has told me that since he’s seen Dr. Johnson he feels better. He is much more relaxed and much less fidgety. His focus in school is right where it should be for a second grader. His fear of foods is diminishing and he has tried new foods with great success.
We’ve been under Dr. Johnson’s care for only 6 months and already have seen a huge, positive change in our son. We started to see progress in only the first couple weeks. I’ve already recommended him to several friends and family members who have also had great success.
I want to thank you, Dr. Johnson, and all of your wonderful staff for the time you spend with us each week. It’s had such a positive impact in our lives. We are thrilled with the results that we’ve seen so far and look forward to his healthy future.
The Flores Family
Shelby Twp., MI