For over 40 years the accepted treatment for neurological symptoms has been the use of medications. However the disadvantages to medicating the brain are becoming more widely known. Side effects are common, and stopping the medication often results in a return of the symptoms. Clients are becoming increasingly frustrated with high cost medications that do not offer a long term resolution to their symptoms.
There are other ways to change the brain that are non-invasive and more natural.
It’s no secret that the food you eat and exercise are all critical to brain function. But this is often not enough to alleviate more serious conditions.
Introducing Neurofeedback
Fortunately, a new field called Neurofeedback has emerged that is yielding positive results for many people with debilitating neurological symptoms. Neurofeedback has been shown to be incredibly powerful when done right with a licensed practitioner board certified in neurofeedback.
There are many case studies of people who have changed their lives for the better using neurofeedback. Research has shown people of all ages see dramatic improvement in ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Brain Injury, Migraines, Seizures, Chronic Pain, Addiction and more. Results like these have become too common to ignore.
Take a moment and listen to Julian’s story about his concussion recovery using neurofeedback.
Neurofeedback is not an instant process. It takes time for the brain to change and learn. Often many sessions are needed to see any results. But often, once clients are functioning better and have fewer symptoms, they can reduce or eliminate their reliance on medication.
Neurofeedback has been proven to change the brain – to change timing in the brain. It’s published in scientific literature. It’s used by thousands of licensed health professionals around the world. It could be the most important new tool available for mental and neurological health.
Please visit to learn more.